Institute of Physical and Theoretical Chemistry

Seminar schedule – Summer 2018

Monday 17:15 h in lecture hall B3 if not stated differently in the table

Contact: Irene Burghardt

Lecture hall
Speaker Title

Timothy A. Keiderling
University of Illinois at Chicago, USA
Protein folding from the ground up.
Thermodynamic and kinetic studies of peptides and proteins with increasing complexity

Dassia Egorova
TU München
Time-resolved spectroscopy as a probe of nonseparable electron- nuclear motion:
Computational approaches

Biman Bagchi
Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore, Indien
Quantum diffusion and line shape in a model excitonic system:
Role of quantum coherence

Tobias Brixner
Julius- Maximilians- Universität Würzburg
Probing Spatiotemporal Dynamics in All States of Matter

Dieter Suter
TU Dortmund
Electron-nuclear spin interactions:
basics and applications for high- sensitivity NMR

Victoria Birkedal
Aarhus University, Dänemark
Catching biomolecules in action

David Picconi
Goethe Universität Frankfurt
Photodynamics and spectroscopy of halogens embedded in rare gas solids:
Quantum dynamical description of the I2:Kr system

Carla Schmidt
Martin-Luther- Universität Halle
Structural Mass Spectrometry to Study Signal Transduction in the Neuronal Synapse

Marina Dietz
Goethe Universität Frankfurt
Single-particle tracking and imaging fluorescence correlation spectroscopy
- what we can learn from single- molecule and ensemble techniques

Seminar schedule of previous semesters