Institute of Physical and Theoretical Chemistry

Seminar schedule – Winter 2013/2014

Monday 17:15 h in lecture hall B2 if not stated differently in the table

Contact: Björn Corzilius

Lecture hall
Speaker Title

21.10.2013 Olivier Fisette
IPTC AK Schäfer
Class A β-lactamase dynamics -
A tale of MD simulation and NMR spectroscopy

joint GDCh/IPTC
Thomas Elsässer
Max-Born-Institut / FU Berlin
Two-dimensional vibrational spectroscopy of DNA
and phospholipids

4.11.2013 Alf Mews
INCH Hamburg
From single semiconductor nanocrystals to nanorods and nanowires:
Evolution of the electrical and optical properties

joint GDCh/IPTC
Christian Degen
ETH Zürich
Nanoscale NMR and EPR spectroscopy with a diamond nitrogen-vacancy spin sensor

18.11.2013 Nina Morgner
Combining non-covalent MS with crosslinking:
mechanistic insights into heatshock complexes.

25.11.2013 Rainer Heintzmann
University Jena
Linear and Nonlinear Structured Illumination:
Superresolution in Fluorescence Microscopy

2.12.2013 Dominik Wöll
University Konstanz
Single molecule dynamics in soft matter systems studied with fluorescence microscopy

9.12.2013 Martin Brandt
TU München
Electrically detected magnetic resonance:
Fundamentals and applications

16.12.2013 Michael Spörner
University Regensburg
Targeting intrinsic conformational equilibria of Ras-like GTPases
to modulate its signalling activity

13.01.2014 Frauke Gräter
HITS Heidelberg
Mechano(bio)chemistry: pulling molecules in the computer

20.01.2014 Bernd Engels
University Würzburg
New approaches for efficient simulation of complex soft matter

27.01.2014 no seminar

03.02.2014 Gregor Diezemann
University Mainz
Reversible hydrogen-bond network dynamics in supermolecular complexes:
Force probe molecular dynamics simulations

Nico van der Vegt
TU Darmstadt
Solvent-induced forces and the water-solubility of macromolecules

Seminar schedule of previous semesters