Institute of Physical and Theoretical Chemistry

Seminar schedule – Winter 2021/2022

Monday 17:00 h in lecture hall OSZ/H4 if not stated differently in the table

Person responsible: Prof. Thomas Prisner

Administrative Contact: Silke Schneider

Lecture hall
Speaker Title

Dr. Bela Bode
University of St. Andrews, GB
Mechano- and other sensations: EPR spectroscopic insights into biomolecular structures and homogeneous catalysis

Dr. Alexander Schnegg
MPI für Chemische Energiekonversion, Mülheim
THz-EPR for Magnetos Structural Correlations in 3d Transition Metal Ions

1.11.2021 Prof. Jan Behrends
FU Berlin
Spins at Work in Energy Conversion and Storage Devices

JProf. Dr. Müge Kasanmascheff
TU Dortmund
Tracing metal-carrying biomolecules in cells and in-vitro using EPR spectroscopy

Dr. Julien Marcoux
Institute of Pharmacology and Structural Biology,
Toulouse, Frankreich
Study of the largest and most heterogeneous macromolecular complex by HDX-MS:
bringing new important mechanistic insights in proteasome regulation

10.01.2022 Dr. Sebastian Thallmair
FIAS, Germany
A molecular view on protein dynamics:
insights into allosteric pathways and protein-ligand binding

Prof. Dr. Karsten Heyne
FU Berlin
Protein responses induced by impulsive chromophore excitation

Dr. Roberto Covino
FIAS, Germany
Modelling molecular mechanisms with physics-based computer simulations and artificial intelligence

Prof. Franziska Matthäus
FIAS, Germany
Towards virtual multicellular systems - from image analysis to mathematical multi-particle models

Seminar schedule of previous semesters