Institute of Physical and Theoretical Chemistry

Seminar schedule – Winter 2023/2024

Monday 17:15 h in lecture hall B3 if not stated otherwise in the table

Person responsible: Prof. Thomas Prisner

Administrative Contact: Silke Schneider

Lecture hall
Speaker Title

Maximiliane Horz
Goethe Universität
Theoretical insights into combined vibrational and electronic spectroscopy:
A perspective on one- and two-photon VIPER

Prof. Jürgen Köhler
Universität Bayreuth
Natural and Biomimetic Molecular Aggregates. Insights gained from Single-molecule Spectroscopy

Dr. Kirill Kovalev
European Molecular Biology Laboratory, Hamburg
4D structural studies of novel microbial rhodopsins

Prof. Justin Benesh
University of Oxford, UK
Weighing protein states - from single protein to heterogeneous ensembles

Prof. Aharon Blank
TECHNION, Israel Institute of Technology, Haifa
Magnetic Resonance from spectroscopic tools to practical technological devices

Seminar schedule of previous semesters