
Please apply for participation in the summer school and/or workshop by completing the form below. Options 1 and 5 are still available:

Option Fee Master/PhD/postdoc Fee others
1 Summer school in person (W35) +
Workshop online
360 € 510 €
2 Workshop in person (W36) 510 € 510 €
3 Summer school in person (W35) + Weekend +
Workshop in person (W36)
700 € 1224 €
4 Summer school in person (W35) +
Workshop in person (W36)
870 € 1020 €
5 Workshop online* 0 € 0 €

*registration is free but necessary to receive the online link in due time

W35 = Sunday, Aug. 27th to Friday, Sept. 1st = 5 nights
W36 = Sunday, Sept. 3rd to Friday, Sept. 8th = 5 nights
Weekend between W35 and W36 = 2 nights

Arrival/departure: Arrival is planned on Sunday before dinner (dinner included) and departure is scheduled on Friday after lunch (lunch included or "take away" for early departure).

Abstract submission is invited for oral presentations and posters:

  • single slide presentations (SSP's) at the summer school
  • contributed talks at the workshop
  • poster presentations at the workshop
Please submit only one abstract. Abstracts submitted by summer school applicants are considered primarily for SSP's, and will also be considered for posters (and possibly contributed talks) at the workshop if you plan to stay for two weeks.

The extended application deadline is 1 August 2023. We will inform you as soon as possible regarding the acceptance of your application.

First Name*
Last Name*
Year of PhD degree*
(expected or obtained)
Format: yyyy
Arrival date: (format YYYY/MM/DD)*
Departure date: (format YYYY/MM/DD)*
I wish to participate (see above table):*
I wish to present an oral contribution:* Yes No
Upload Abstract (oral/poster):
Format: PDF
Maximum file size is 1 MB
Your comments:

* required field.

Oral contribution = single-slide presentation (SSP) [summer school] or contributed talk [workshop].   

Please submit only one abstract, either meant for an oral presentation (i.e., SSP [summer school]
or contributed talk [workshop]), or else for a poster [workshop].