Workshop speakers and titles (invited talks):

Eric Bittner (University of Houston)

Looking under the hood and unraveling dark processes in excitonic systems
Raffaele Borrelli (Torino University)
Hierarchical Equation of Motions in Tensor Train format and their Application to Complex Vibronic Systems
Tobias Brixner (Wuerzburg University)
Electrochemical, chirality-sensitive, single-molecule, and higher-order ultrafast spectroscopies
Jianshu Cao (Massachusetts Institute of Technology)
Quantum Diffusion in Organic Materials: Disorder, Phonons, and Photons
Majed Chergui (École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne)
Non-linear Extreme Ultraviolet to hard X-ray spectroscopy
David Coker (Boston University)
Vibronic Dynamics in Light Harvesting
Elisabetta Collini (University of Padova)
Coherent dynamics in solutions of colloidal plexcitonic nanohybrids at room temperature
Milan Delor (Columbia University)
Ballistic polarons and polaritons in van der Waals materials
Antonietta De Sio (University of Oldenburg)
Field-driven exciton Rabi oscillations in functional materials
Gerrit Groenhof (University of Jyväskyä Finland)
Photochemistry in the collective strong coupling regime: Insights from multi-scale molecular dynamics simulations
Juergen Hauer (TU Munich)
Isolating Pure Donor and Acceptor Signals by Polarization Controlled Transient Absorption Spectroscopy
Richard Hildner (University of Groningen)
Energy Transport in Supramolecular (Super-)Structures with Tailored Excited-State Energy Landscapes
Akihito Ishizaki (IMS Okazaki)
Probing exciton dynamics with spectral selectivity through the use of quantum entangled photons
Seogjoo Jang (City University of New York)
Theories of exciton and charge transfer based on Fermi's golden rule and beyond
Manuel Joffre (Ecole Polytechnique)
Multiscale vibrational spectroscopy in Fatty Acid Photodecarboxylase from picoseconds to microseconds
Olof Johansson (University of Edinburgh)
Towards optical control of the magnetic anisotropy in single-molecule magnets
Tobias Kramer (Linz University)
Tracking electronic coherence with time- and frequency resolved spectroscopy: The HEOM approach
Jacob Krich (University of Ottawa)
New Spectroscopic Pathways: Information Content and Interpretation of High Order Transient Absorption Spectroscopy
Yuki Kurashige (Kyoto University)
Molecular mechanism of SCO in Fe complexes and methods in non-adiabatic molecular dynamics
Pavel Maly (Charles University Prag)
Multi-excitonic probes of coherent to (sub)diffusive dynamics
Shaul Mukamel (University of California, Irvine)
Novel Ultrafast Probes of Elementary Molecular Events Using X-ray Pulses, Quantum Light, and Optical Cavities
David Picconi (University of Groningen)
Photophysics, photochemistry and spectroscopy using high-dimensional quantum wave packets
Carlos Silva (Georgia Tech)
Quantum dynamics of excitons and exciton-polaritons in two-dimensional Ruddlesden-Popper metal halides
Yoshitaka Tanimura (Kyoto University)
Numerically "exact" simulations of a quantum heat engine: Evaluating free energy by spectroscopic means
Luuk van Wilderen (Goethe University Frankfurt)
Vibrational pre-excitation enables new applications in photochemistry
Donatas Zigmantas (Lund University)
Exposing vibronic mixing in chlorophylls

Workshop speakers and titles (contributed talks):

Luca Bolzonello (University of Barcelona)

Photoelectrochemical detection in 2D electronic spectroscopy of Photosystem I. What do we really gain? What can we optimize?
Franco Camargo (IFN - CNR, Milan, Italy)
Ultrafast transient holography: pump-probe microscopy goes widefield
Edoardo Carnio (Freiburg University)
Quantized fields for optimal control in the strong coupling regime
Francesco Di Maiolo (University of Parma)
Inverted Singlet-Triplet Emitters: The path towards highly efficient OLEDs
Loïc Joubert-Doriol (University Paris-Est)
Light-matter interaction in natural conditions: Estimating timescales in the nonequilibrium steady state
Oleg Kornilov (Max-Born Institute Berlin)
Electronic structure and excited state reactions of aqueous aminoazobenzenes studied by time-resolved XUV photoelectron spectroscopy
Romain Rouxel (University of Lund)
Light-harvesting processes in green sulfur bacteria in vivo
František Šanda (Charles University Prague)
2D line-shape analysis of the fifth order signals
Amrit Sarmah (Czech Academy of Sciences, Prague)
Mechanical Force-Induced Manipulation of Electronic Conductance in a Spin-Crossover Complex: A Simple Approach to the Molecular Electronics
Joachim Seibt (Johannes Kepler University Linz)
Theoretical investigations on 2D electronic spectroscopy of Water Soluble Chlorophyll-Binding Protein (WSCP)
Jasper van Thor (Imperial College London)
Coherence Structure from non-linear optical crystallography and Coherent control of ultrafast structural dynamics with femtosecond X-ray crystallography